Sunday, April 8, 2007

April Fools

Scobleizer got me. I came across a post on Scobleizer that caught my attention, but it turns out the post was an April Fools joke. The article, Apple collaborating with Amazon, Google, and Cingular on new iReader?, discusses how Apple is continuing to develop products that most consumers will soon find it difficult to live without. It declares Apple's latest project is to develop an entire line of devices that will expand the usage of iPhone. Steve Jobs and other execs found that they could not comfortably use their iPhones in bright sunlight, and thus wanted to develop something similar to the SonyReader called the iReader.

To me, not being extremely knowledgable in the tech world, it seemed totally plausible. Although if such a product actually came about I couldn't see myself turning my back on paper books and sending them into extinction. I realized as I read further that Apple would not let such information leak out. The post told the story of how he came upon an Apple exec on the beach with the iReader prototype and got to play around with it. While the whole story was fabricated, it made me think, what does Apple actually have in the works? What are they going to amaze us with next, and how long can they manage to always be one step ahead?

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