Sunday, April 15, 2007

On Friday April 6th, we had a speaker come to us from . The former UD student, Tom Patton, had taken the class about 10 years ago and co-founded dealcatcher with another former UD student Dan Baxter.

Dealcatcher is one of the top ten sites for finding bargains online. The site offers coupons, sale prices and even has forums where site visitors can post their own deals. It orignated in 1999 and managed to survive the dot-com bust that plagued so many others.

I found it exciting to see the real life value behind what I am currently learning in 477. It is inspiring to not only see former UD students succeed, but to have earned that success from the skills learned in this class that I am formally enrolled in. While sitting in classes throughout the years many, including myself, often wonder how the subject material relates to the real world that we about to be thrown into. What class is worth investing time and energy into that will not provide any greater benefit down the road whether that be direct or indirect?

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